Basic MQ commands

This should prob­a­bly be my first blog post about MQ, but I con­fess: I was too excit­ed to start writing.

Late­ly I’ve had lit­tle time to post new stuff. This is prob­a­bly just an excuse to write some­thing again.

In the fol­low­ing lines, I’ll give you an intro­duc­tion to the most used MQ commands.

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IBM MQ basics: security — part 2: user authentication

User authen­ti­ca­tion is anoth­er aspect of secu­ri­ty that is often over­looked and many think it only applies to human users.

Quite the con­trary! User authen­ti­ca­tion, albeit with a few twists, is an essen­tial aspect for secur­ing appli­ca­tions’ access to resources.

IBM MQ can be con­fig­ured to force users and appli­ca­tions to sup­ply a user­name and a pass­word before being allowed to access any of its objects.

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IBM MQ basics: security — part 3: object permissions

This time, I’ll be writ­ing about object per­mis­sions only.

Object per­mis­sions allow for fine-grained access con­trol to MQ objects (queues, top­ics, etc.). One can con­fig­ure an user to only be able to read from one spe­cif­ic queue and only write to another.

They can also be used to set­up groups of peo­ple act­ing as MQ admin­is­tra­tors, MQ oper­a­tors, etc.

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IBM MQ basics: security — part 1: SSL communications

It is fre­quent­ly neglect­ed. It is almost always over­looked. It is the ugly duck­ling of dis­trib­uted appli­ca­tion design. Yes, I am talk­ing about Infor­ma­tion Security.

Secu­ri­ty should be a com­pul­so­ry require­ment of any application.

IBM MQ has exten­sive secu­ri­ty options for either pro­tect­ing your MQ infra­struc­ture and secur­ing the infor­ma­tion that flows trough MQ in the form of messages.

Secu­ri­ty in IBM MQ is a some­what com­plex fea­ture, so this will be the first of a series of three arti­cles about MQ’s secu­ri­ty features.

Secu­ri­ty fea­tures were great­ly improved in IBM MQ 8.0. The most changed fea­tures (user authen­ti­ca­tion and chan­nel secu­ri­ty) will be addressed in future posts.

In the first part of this sub-series of arti­cles about secur­ing your com­mu­ni­ca­tions with SSL.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion between queue man­agers and between clients and queue man­ag­er can and should be encrypt­ed using SSL. This assures that mes­sages being trans­mit­ted over the net­work, if inter­cept­ed, can­not be read by unwant­ed third-par­ties (or, at least, be very dif­fi­cult to read).

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IBM MQ basics: publish and subscribe

In the first three arti­cles of this series, I intro­duced you to IBM MQ and its basic func­tion­al­i­ties (queues, local and remote, chan­nels and listeners).

This time, I’ll start com­pli­cat­ing things a bit. This time I’ll write about the pub­lish and sub­scribe fea­ture of IBM MQ.

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IBM MQ basics: remote queues and channels

In the first install­ment of the IBM MQ Basics, avail­able here, I showed you basic queue cre­ation and usage.

If IBM MQ would only allow local queues to be cre­at­ed and used, it would be less use­ful. One of the strengths of IBM MQ is the abil­i­ty to link two or more queue man­agers and send mes­sages to anoth­er queue manager.

In this arti­cle, I’m going to show you how to link two queue man­agers using a remote queues and channels.

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IBM MQ basics: the first queue

Now that we’ve installed MQ, it’s time to try it out. If you haven’t read it, you can go to Installing IBM MQ on Lin­ux to learn how to do it.

In this arti­cle, I’ll show you the basics of IBM MQ and what it can do for your appli­ca­tions’ infrastructure.

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IBM MQ installation in Linux

IBM MQ is avail­able for Lin­ux for sev­er­al years and ver­sions. Right now, it is sup­port­ed on Red Hat Enter­prise Lin­ux and com­pat­i­bles (Ora­cle Lin­ux, Cen­tOS, etc.) for Intel x86-64, POWER and z/Enterprise archi­tec­tures, SuSE Lin­ux for the same archi­tec­tures and Ubun­tu Lin­ux on Intel x86-64.

In the fol­low­ing lines, I’ll explain how to install IBM MQ 9.1 (ful­ly licensed ver­sion, not tri­al) on Ubun­tu Lin­ux, using Debian pack­ages and on Red Hat Enter­prise Lin­ux (and CentOS).

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IBM MQ: Introduction


I’ll start this blog with a piece of soft­ware I’ve been learn­ing in the past few months: IBM MQ

Mes­sage queu­ing is a dis­trib­uted inter-process com­mu­ni­ca­tion method based on mes­sage pass­ing. Typ­i­cal mes­sage queu­ing sys­tems have mech­a­nisms to ensure mes­sages are deliv­ered to their intend­ed des­ti­na­tion and that no mes­sages are lost dur­ing trans­mis­sion and reception.

IBM MQ itself is a mar­ket-proven prod­uct which has matured as the years went by. It’s now almost an indus­try stan­dard and it is used in many indus­tries, such as bank­ing, insur­ance and even the auto­mo­tive industry.

What is message queuing?

Sim­ply put, mes­sage queu­ing is the mech­a­nism which is used by appli­ca­tion to com­mu­ni­cate with each oth­er by using mes­sages. The mes­sages are usu­al­ly sent to a “mes­sage bro­ker” (not to be con­fused with IBM Infor­ma­tion Bro­ker, for­mer­ly, IBM Web­Sphere Mes­sage Bro­ker, which is an Enter­prise Ser­vice Bus).

The mes­sage bro­ker (in this case, IBM MQ) is respon­si­ble for stor­ing mes­sages while in tran­sit (option­al­ly stor­ing them to per­ma­nent stor­age for data recov­er­ing pur­pos­es) and guar­anties deliv­ery. It also has fea­tures which enables it to route mes­sages to sev­er­al des­ti­na­tions at once (in IBM MQ, this is called pub­lish and subscribe).


IBM MQ is the nat­ur­al evo­lu­tion of IBM’s mes­sag­ing prod­ucts. It all start­ed in the 1960s, when IBM released the IBM 7740 Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Con­trol Sys­tem and the IBM 7750 Pro­grammed Trans­mis­sion Con­trol. These were pro­gram­ma­ble mes­sage-switch­ing hard­ware prod­ucts, which enabled mes­sage-ori­ent­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tion between computers.

After, in 1971, IBM released TCAM (Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Access Method) for its S/360 fam­i­ly of com­put­er sys­tems, and­hav­ing adopt­ed CICS for trans­ac­tion man­age­ment, users want­ed a way to inte­grate TCAM with CICS.

These prod­ucts went through sev­er­al ver­sions and in 1992, IBM decid­ed to release IBM MQSeries, which incor­po­rat­ed an evo­lu­tion of the TCAM mes­sage-pass­ing engine. MQSeries was lat­er (in 2002) renamed to Web­Sphere MQ (because of its inte­gra­tion in the Web­Sphere prod­uct family).

The first MQSeries ver­sion for dis­trib­uted sys­tems (the first six releas­es were for the S/360 and AS/400 com­put­er sys­tems) was named MQSeries 2.0 and was avail­able for OS/2 and AIX. It was released in Feb­ru­ary 1995.

With ver­sion 8.0, IBM dropped the word ‘Web­Sphere’ from the name and released IBM MQ 8.0 in May 23rd 2014.

The cur­rent ver­sion is IBM MQ 9.1 and it was released on July 27th 2018. 

MQ Releases

IBM MQ is avail­able in two dif­fer­ent forms: Con­tin­u­ous Release and a Long Term Support.

Long Term Sup­port releas­es have the third ver­sion num­ber equal to 0 (zero). Con­tin­u­ous Deliv­ery ver­sion num­bers and in non-zero num­bers. For exam­ple, IBM MQ 9.0.0 is an LTS ver­sion; 9.0.1 is the first CD ver­sion for IBM MQ 9.0.

Con­tin­u­ous Deliv­ery ver­sions always con­tain the lat­est fea­tures and bug fix­es; LTS releas­es are only updat­ed via fix packs and indi­vid­ual bug fix­es and include no new fea­tures; the only way to update a CD release is to install the new one over the installed version.

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Hello world!

Wel­come to my lat­est blog.

This first post is my attempt to explain to you the pur­pose of this new blog.

I’ve been a sys­tems admin­is­tra­tor all my work­ing life and, as such, I’ve accu­mu­lat­ed some knowl­edge about the sys­tems I’ve worked with.

Since I start­ed my pro­fes­sion­al life, back in 2003, I worked with sev­er­al Lin­ux and UNIX sys­tems, most notably, Solaris, FreeB­SD, and sev­er­al mid­dle­ware (BEA/Oracle WebLog­ic, Apache HTTP Serv­er, Word­Press, IBM Web­Sphere Appli­ca­tion Serv­er, IBM MQ and sev­er­al oth­er minor soft­ware products).

This blog is an attempt by me to share some of my knowl­edge and also as a mem­o­ry aid for myself.

I just hope you like and read and take advan­tage of the arti­cles I will pub­lish here.

Thanks in advance for reading.

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